Win NBA Bets

How to Cover More than Just Your Sports Betting Basics to Win NBA Bets

Are you exploring strategies to increase your NBA betting’s success rate? We can help you with that using our tested NBA betting strategies. In order to place profitable basketball bets, you may need to go beyond the fundamentals of sports betting. Making your own betting system, though, is more difficult than it seems. Our tried-and-true basketball betting techniques are helpful in this situation. Continue reading to discover the top NBA betting tactics and how to capitalize on them. 

Let’s begin!


When favorites have won by a margin of at least 15 in their last game, you place a wager against the spread using the blowout betting strategy. NBA teams that prevail by more than 15 points and put on a dominant performance only cover a 10+ points difference in their subsequent game 42.5% of the time. The squad likely performed to the highest level possible in the game prior, and the players’ fatigue following a hard NBA encounter is likely to blame for the performance decline.

Decide to wager against the spread if you believe a team can win by more than 15 points but still needs to cover a 10+ point spread. Your chances of winning a wager are 57.5%, based on the blowout betting method.


The tunnel betting strategy makes use of the various total point lines that NBA betting companies offer and is focused on those tiny betting margins. Let’s imagine there are two bookmakers from the list at and one gives a 220.5 Over/Under point line whereas the other puts the bar at 217.5 points for the same game.

By placing Over bets with the bookmaker offering a 217.5-point line and Under bets with the bookmaker offering a 220.5-point line, you can benefit from the tunnel betting technique. As you can see, you will have a successful wager at both bookmakers if the game ends with a total of between 218 and 220 points (including these figures too). At least one of your wagers will win if the final score is any other point total. Really nice, no?

Of course, it naturally follows that you will lose a little money when only one of your wagers wins. But the possibility of a minimum of one winning bet at worst and two winning bets at optimum is too alluring to pass up. Further increasing your odds of having two successful bets is finding two bookies who offer you a “tunnel“ of 6 or 7 points rather than simply 3 points, as shown in the example above.

NBA Martingale

Among the best sports gambling markets for using the Martingale betting strategy is the games available in NBA. As you may already be aware, the Martingale betting strategy requires you to double your investment after each unsuccessful wager. Additionally, NBA point total markets seem to be ideal for that since they provide even money bets, which have the highest odds for this technique to win.

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Consider that you choose the Boston Celtics and decide to stake $10 on them to win a game by going Over 110.5. The Martingale strategy dictates that if your wager is unsuccessful, you have to double your wager the following time you favor the Celtics to earn above 110.5 points. You place a $20 wager on Over 110.5 throughout the following Celtics game. If you lose that wager, you place another $40 stake on the Celtics using the same point spread the following time they play. The Celtics will eventually surpass the 110.5-point mark, which will result in a victorious wager that will both make up for your prior losses and provide you with some extra money.

However, in order for the Martingale method to be effective, you must have both patience and a sizable betting budget. Martingale users frequently go weeks or even months without placing a profitable wager. Having the necessary funds to last that time is even more critical than patience in this situation. So only use the Martingale strategy if you have the perseverance and resources to withstand protracted winless streaks.

Three in Four

Teams that play three matches in four days frequently become fatigued. Teams who are worn out struggle to put up strong defensive performances. Games with high scoring as a result. Teams who play this many matchups in such short amounts of time surpass the points margin nearly 59% of the time.

Bounce Back

According to the “bounce back“ system, teams that struggled offensively in one game fare substantially better in the following contest, particularly when they are performing as the home team. When teams lose a game, 62% of the time they perform significantly better in their subsequent home game.


Because even money bets are necessary for the D’Alembert system to function, it is highly comparable to the Martingale technique. In light of the fact that Over/Under NBA markets are common for this, D’Alembert is unquestionably a technique you should take into account, particularly if you are a tight-fisted NBA bettor.

Once your NBA bet fails, you do not increase your bet investment, in contrast to the Martingale strategy. You instead decide to raise it by one unit. For example, if you placed $10 on the Warriors to go above 110.5 and lost, you would bet $11 on that market the following time. If you lose once more, you will gamble $12, $13, $14, and so forth until you hit a winning bet on your chosen NBA club.

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If your wager succeeds, you should do the reverse and reduce your stake with each succeeding wager that wins by one unit. For instance, if you wager $10 on the Warriors to go Over 110.5, you should wager $9 on your subsequent even money wager. If your subsequent gamble loses, you increase your subsequent betting stake once again by one unit to $10, and on and on.

As you can see, for NBA bettors on a tight budget, the D’Alembert strategy is a far superior choice. D’Alembert can retain you in the NBA game for a lot longer than Martingale, which can stretch your money. 

At first sight, all of these strategies will appear very complex, especially to inexperienced casual bettors. Fortunately, our calculators are available to assist you. Find one that fits your playing style, then fill out those betting slips without difficulty.

How Do We Identify NBA Betting Systems That Work?

We do not only write about and offer advice on tested NBA betting strategies. We also subject them to a battery of tests. Continue reading to find out how we identify the top NBA wagering systems and how to tell the good ones from the bad.

  • We list all the systems

First, we compile a thorough inventory of every basketball betting strategy that is currently available to bettors. We took care to incorporate all potential betting strategies in this article. This part of the process involves listing every basketball system now in use, not just the best ones.

  • We examine each betting strategy

It is finally time to put each betting method to the test given we have compiled a list of them. How do we go about doing that? We follow the guidelines provided with the system to put at least 10 wagers. We take care to mark and evaluate each wager’s success separately.

  • We compare each system’s success rate

The win percentage of each system is then compared. We spend the most time on this phase. Sometimes, finding games that would satisfy the requirements of each of our systems requires us to wait until the end of an entire NBA season. That is not an issue for us, though, as we are aware that evaluating betting systems is laborious.

  • The most successful feature betting strategies

When we finally receive and evaluate the outcomes for each NBA betting strategy, we highlight the most successful ones on our website. The bet-to-win ratios for each of the betting strategies you may see here have all been tried and tested. Choose one and give it a try. We are sure you will be pleased with the outcome.

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